Our Off Ramp

If Russia launches a tactical nuke there are few roads to take that won’t lead to M.A.D. One of those roads may be to calmly step back and realize there are no good targets for NATO to hit. The Russian people aren’t the enemy so why hit a Russian city? Many of Russia’s troops don’t want to be fighting so why hit them? NATO would need to give the Russians a way out of receiving a retaliatory strike. Offer the Russian troops the ability to surrender and retreat to their homes to take care of their tyrant and give support to the Russian people. This whole situation with Russia Ukraine is bad but it could get much worse. Pray that cooler heads prevail.

The 4th is Not Canceled.

If you think that “the 4th of July is canceled because there’s nothing to celebrate” you don’t know why we celebrate. We don’t celebrate because we like the political party in charge at the time or the laws that congress made or the decisions SCOTUS made recently. We celebrate because we are a nation that believes and tries to uphold this:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” ~United States Declaration of Independence.

This is why we celebrate. Because we as a nation tried to reach high. Tried to uphold great Truths. And yes, sometimes we have fallen far from adhering to these stated visions but that doesn’t nullify the fact that the above section is who we truly are and what we truly aspire to.

So, no mater if you like the current political situation in our country or not the 4th, Independence Day, is not canceled. It’s still there for you to celebrate because it’s there for every American to recenter themselves upon who we truly are and what our vision as a country truly is.

Declaration of Independence Draft Portion on Slavery.

This was in the origin draft of the Declaration of Independence:

“He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither. This piratical warfare, the opprobrium of infidel powers, is the warfare of the Christian King of Great Britain. Determined to keep open a market where Men should be bought & sold, he has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or restrain this execrable commerce. And that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished die, he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them, by murdering the people on whom he has obtruded them: thus paying off former crimes committed again the Liberties of one people, with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another.”~Thomas Jefferson.

It was not in the final draft because every line had to be voted and unanimously agreed upon. 11 agreed, 2 disagreed. America always was overwhelmingly in favor of abolition.

How Are You Doing?

Recently I’ve been contemplating what to say when someone asks me, “how are you doing?” How is someone supposed to respond when so much is so bad in this world? What do you say to that when “free” countries have recently turned fascist? How do you respond when the government is threatening businesses who don’t comply with tyrannical mandates because they want to protect the liberty of their employees? I could go on and on but if you’re Awake you already know what I would say so I won’t waist your time.

Part of me wants to say, “well, I got faith that God will fix this.” And, though that I believe is a true statement what does “fix it” look like? For me right now is that faith just a comforting wish that things won’t get harder when in reality they might. Is this faith no more than wishful comfort to a citizen while their country collapses or is it actually something real that God is working with to bring about something beautiful out of the rubble? And, will we ever see the finished product after God has “fixed it”? I don’t know. But, I know that in order to move forward in a proper standing I need to have faith that this struggle is for a reason. That this time is God, as a blacksmith, refining the world into something tough and beautiful. If it is not that what is the point of all this? What would be the point of moving forward in this struggle for a better tomorrow?

One of the main phrases I have told my dungeons and dragons group I dungeon master (yes I know I’m a nerd) is, “keep the faith.” The Creator and the “angels” have all told each character to “keep the faith” because they are entering sever spiritual warfare and they will see many dark, evil, and harsh things that only holding to their faith will see them through. I wonder if the placement of that part of the campaign happened now for a specific reason. We all, the human race is in spiritual warfare like we’ve never seen before and we must “keep the faith” in order to see us through to a better tomorrow. A stronger America. A just society. It’s as if I hear all the Heavenly Hosts shouting to the spiritual warriors down here, “keep the faith. Keep moving forward. You don’t see it but there is more with you than against you. Keep going!”

We are in a spiritual war. Times are tough but that is no excuse to lay down our arms and give up. We are on the winning side even if we won’t be alive to see the final victory.

“How are you doing?”

“I am awake. I am on the winning side. I have faith that there will be a better tomorrow, even if I won’t see it. That’s how I’m doing.”

It Is Our Time To Stand!

Years between the Revolutionary War and the Civil War= 78 years

Years between Civil War and WWII= 76 years

Years between WWII and now= 76 years

Steel yourself for the struggle that is about to unfold and is already unfolding. And remember, at the beginning of every single one of these past events it looked like the tyrants would win. But later, when the sons and daughters of Liberty woke up and got engaged the tides turned and freedom won.

Is The Covid Vaccine The Mark of The Beast?

Short answer, no. However, there are enough similarities that make me believe the covid vaccine is a mark of a beast.

First, let’s look where these two marks differ. Just to get it out of the way.

The first differences is that The Mark of The Beast is mainly a marking of worship to the anti-Christ. As of right now there is no individual anti-Christ to worship so the vax can’t be a mark of worship to him.

Second difference is the placement of The Mark. It is either placed on the forehead or right hand. The vax is delivered into the shoulder. Those really are the two main differences. Everything else is very similar. Which should concern you.

So what exactly are their similarities? First is that they both have an economic component. True for The Mark of The Beast and the covid vaccine is that if you have it you are allowed to buy and sell. If you don’t have it you are not allowed to partake in the economy at all. So far in many parts of the world, including parts of America, those who did not submit to the vaccine are not allowed into stores to buy basic needs. They are also trying to introduce other economic punishments for those who do not submit to the shot. Don’t have the vax? Maybe you don’t get that loan you need.

Second similarity is that they both are a loyalty mark. True I don’t believe that the vax is a mark of worship to anti-Christ. It is however a mark of submission and loyalty to the State. It also, I believe is a surrender of bodily ownership from you to the State.

First, a mark of submission. The Mark of The Beast is a mark of submission in that you submit to worship anti-Christ alone or you’d be punished. The covid vaccine is a mark of submission in that you got it because the government told you to or you’d be punished.

Second, a mark of loyalty. Obviously, The Mark of The Beast is a mark of loyal worship to anti-Christ. The covid vaccine is a mark of loyalty showing that you are in compliance with the government.

Third, a mark of surrendering bodily autonomy. When you worship something you surrender your life, your self, to the will of that which you worship. So, The Mark of The Beast is a showing that that individual has surrendered to the will of anti-Christ. In similar ways the covid vaccine is a surrender to the government. It gives them the ability to dictate and force you to put substances into your own body. If the government is able to force substances into your body you are no longer sovereign over your own body. Instead, you have become a slave to a demonic god you yourself put over you.

Third similarity is that those who have it are supported by the State and those who don’t have it are persecuted by the State. If you have The Mark of The Beast you are allowed to exercise basic privileges such as buying groceries. If you don’t have The Mark of The Beast you can’t do anything and if you are discovered you will be executed. If you have the covid vaccine you are allowed to exercise basic privileges such as buying groceries, air travel, cruise, etc. Similarly, though not as extreme yet, those who do not have the covid vaccine are not allowed basic human rights or privileges. Those who don’t have the shot are not allowed to go to the stores, travel, go on cruises, go to concerts, college, k-12 schools, have a job, etc. the persecution of the unvaccinated is very real, very tyrannical, and needs to stop immediately. Society must stand up in defiance in order to stop the persecution.

Furthermore, even though the covid vaccine is not The Mark of The Beast it has many concerning similarities. So much so that I believe that in the grand scheme of things, this covid vaccine is meant to make the coming Mark of The Beast less weird and more easily accepted. It’s meant to shift people’s perception on what they believe is “normal.” Think about it. If someone came forward today saying that he was God and demanded that every human be marked with a loyalty mark and worship them alone. Demand that everyone get this mark or forfeit their ability to buy and sell and be killed people would revolt, more than they are now. The covid vaccine is meant to move the perception goalposts on body autonomy, government compliance, and strange acts of loyalty away from individual sovereignty toward State ownership.

So, even though the covid vaccine is not The Mark of The Beast it is still satanic in nature.

They Never Meant “Never Again”.

They said, “never again” would we force people into being experiment subjects. They never meant it. They said, “never again” will we dehumanize a group of people. They never meant it. They said, “never again” will we allow tyranny to reign. They never meant it. They said, “never again” will we pave the way for the genocide of millions. They never meant it. They never meant any of it because if they did none of what’s going on right now would be happening.